So, I wasn't actually tagged for this, but saw it on a blog I read and thought it was I'm putting it on here. Enjoy. And if you do yours, leave comments with your funny ones.
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet, current car) Lucy Saturn
2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fav ice cream, fav cookie) Chocolate Peanut Butter Oreo
3. YOUR "FLY GIRL" (GUY) NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letter of last name) C Ste
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal) Green Elephant
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name & city where you were born) Ellen Grabill
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (first 3 letters of last name & first 2 letters of first name) Stech
7. YOUR SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink--put "The") Blue The Tea
8. YOUR NASCAR NAME: (first names of your grandfathers) Hubert James
9. YOUR STRIPPER NAME: (fav perfume, fav candy) Sunflowers M & M
10. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother's & father's middle names) Lynn Curtis
23 September 2007
22 September 2007
Fun at the Fair
Tonight I helped Gabrielle initiate Alaya into the world of carnivals at the Bluffton Street Fair.
First, I had to get a picture of the three of us with our quirky t-shirts. From left to right they say: "Where's my prince charming?" (Alaya's), "I thought you were hot from far away" (Gab's), and "In tennis love means zero" (mine). It made me laugh!
And of course, like any child would, she loved the fair. I'm happy to report that she enjoyed my favorite carnival game, the mouse game, as much as I do. She was a natural gambler and wanted
those quarters to keep coming. She caught on very quickly how to place them on the numbers. She actually rode a car-type roller coaster, too. Pretty impressive for not quite 2 years old!
The one thing that I wanted to do was eat some fair food. I walked around all night looking for just what I wanted. Finally around 10:30 I decided on ice cream cone! How boring! So, on the way out I got a hand-dipped corn dog. That's slightly better. Maybe next weekend at another fair...
And of course, like any child would, she loved the fair. I'm happy to report that she enjoyed my favorite carnival game, the mouse game, as much as I do. She was a natural gambler and wanted
The one thing that I wanted to do was eat some fair food. I walked around all night looking for just what I wanted. Finally around 10:30 I decided on ice cream cone! How boring! So, on the way out I got a hand-dipped corn dog. That's slightly better. Maybe next weekend at another fair...
17 September 2007
Thief in the House
Lucy and I have a thief. Actually, Lucy has been burglarized, and I was just a witness to the crime. This morning during my daily healthy breakfast of some sort of sugared cereal, eaten at the kitchen counter (because what else are those things for?!) I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. As I turned to look, I watched a small (2 inches tall or so) thief run to Lucy's food bowl, steal one piece of food, and quickly retreat to it's hiding place. Now, the crazy part is that this was a very bold move because Lucy was in the living room barking at someone walking in front of our house (how dare they!!), and I had just yelled at her to stop. Meaning that this was not one of the quietest moments at our house.
Yes folks, we've got a mouse! Luckily I'm not one of those kinds of gals who will stand on a chair, screaming and swinging a broom. To tell the truth, mice don't bother me--that is, until they start leaving little presents in my kitchen.
I think our thief is a pretty smart little fella. We've actually heard him stealing food before. Once he even rolled it across the ground. It was that recognizable of a sound! I've set traps a few times, and all that happens is that I end up feeding him, and probably some family members, because I find the traps empty--of food and carcass.
So...we will either have to find a smarter trap to use, or give him a name. I'm kind of partial to Ralph S. Mouse...or maybe Mickey...
Yes folks, we've got a mouse! Luckily I'm not one of those kinds of gals who will stand on a chair, screaming and swinging a broom. To tell the truth, mice don't bother me--that is, until they start leaving little presents in my kitchen.
I think our thief is a pretty smart little fella. We've actually heard him stealing food before. Once he even rolled it across the ground. It was that recognizable of a sound! I've set traps a few times, and all that happens is that I end up feeding him, and probably some family members, because I find the traps empty--of food and carcass.
So...we will either have to find a smarter trap to use, or give him a name. I'm kind of partial to Ralph S. Mouse...or maybe Mickey...
15 September 2007
Higher Education
Today, the 5th from the last Saturday of class in my masters program, I think I learned the most interesting thing of all so far. Did you know that "bootylicious" has officially been added to the dictionary?! Wow! I'm glad I paid $10,000 to the university so that I could learn important things like that. : )
09 September 2007
Moving experiences
Today we had church in a tent at the back of the parking lot. According to Pastor Dave it's quite a way to celebrate FMC's 25th (from the YMCA to a tent!). But it was a neat service. We sang a song in Swahili. The "My Journey" part of the service was the Ehlers' story and expecially Mesfin's journey. It was sad to hear him, around 9 years old, talk of wanting to go back to Ethiopia to see his family and to see if his mother is still alive.
So the reason we were out in the tent is that we had a World Vision Experience: Step into Africa going on in the gym. I was able to be there some on Thursday night, helping to get ready, and training. And then on Friday night I volunteered. It was quite a sensory, emotional experience. You put on an iPod and step into the life of one of four children, listening as they guide you through their struggles, and the exhibit. Not only do you see photographs of them and their world, but you smell the stench of the area, you sit in the health clinic waiting for test results. It really makes you think about how much we have to be thankful for, and how little others have, especially children. 90% of those living with AIDS in the world are living in Africa. Many children are the head of their household because they have been orphaned due to AIDS. Many sad and startling statistics. We cannot sit by and watch.
One thing I was made aware of at the marketplace part of the exhibit was the (PRODUCT)RED brand and how it works. Created by Bono it's a brand that donates a portion of the sales to African AIDS programs. Many well known brands are a part of (PRODUCT)RED. Check out the Manifesto...interesting!
On a lighter note...yesterday I finished an IWU course (with a knock-out presentation, I might add). Next week I begin a new, and my final course in the program. Only 5 more weeks of the program before graduation!! I never thought I'd make it to this point. Oh, how I will celebrate when I am finished!!
So the reason we were out in the tent is that we had a World Vision Experience: Step into Africa going on in the gym. I was able to be there some on Thursday night, helping to get ready, and training. And then on Friday night I volunteered. It was quite a sensory, emotional experience. You put on an iPod and step into the life of one of four children, listening as they guide you through their struggles, and the exhibit. Not only do you see photographs of them and their world, but you smell the stench of the area, you sit in the health clinic waiting for test results. It really makes you think about how much we have to be thankful for, and how little others have, especially children. 90% of those living with AIDS in the world are living in Africa. Many children are the head of their household because they have been orphaned due to AIDS. Many sad and startling statistics. We cannot sit by and watch.
One thing I was made aware of at the marketplace part of the exhibit was the (PRODUCT)RED brand and how it works. Created by Bono it's a brand that donates a portion of the sales to African AIDS programs. Many well known brands are a part of (PRODUCT)RED. Check out the Manifesto...interesting!
On a lighter note...yesterday I finished an IWU course (with a knock-out presentation, I might add). Next week I begin a new, and my final course in the program. Only 5 more weeks of the program before graduation!! I never thought I'd make it to this point. Oh, how I will celebrate when I am finished!!
02 September 2007
Selling Cars and Making Friends
I've come to realize that it will be more difficult than I had originally thought to keep this up to date on a regular basis. Sorry about that.
Well, this weekend (being a holiday weekend) has been fairly eventful thus far. Thursday night began with dinner at the parents' house because JC and Walt arrived for another year at the ACD Festival. Friday after school and tutoring I decided to stay and work for a while to get some things done. While I was working, Gabrielle called to tell me her bad luck story--as it was happening. She was on her way up to Kruse to take her grandfather's Cadillac to be sold. On the way it began to smoke badly and caused her to pull over. Apparently this was bad enough to require the assistance of two firetrucks, and for 69 to be blocked to one lane for about a mile. Luckily her mom was following behind and able to take her back as the car was towed. Later that night she called to ask me if I'd like to help her get the car up there the next day. My first question was, "Do you want me to drive the car, or just follow you up there?" (I'm not much for driving cars prone to fire) Well, long story short (or shorter), I agreed to help her out. BTW, this meant getting up at 5:45 on one of my Saturdays off, and on a holiday weekend! Hey, anything for a friend, right?!

Well, we met and drove the BIG car (I mean BIG!--see pictures) up to Auburn. After parking craziness, paperwork, and moving the car to the desired location we were off for breakfast--funnel cakes and lemon shake-ups! I love festivals!!
The fun of being at a festival, especially one pertaining to cars, is lost when you're trying to keep up with, and entertain a 22-month old. We very quickly decided that if the car wasn't being auctioned off until 6pm or later, we should go back to the Fort until later (coming back sans kid!). So, after a trip back home, a short nap, freshening up, we headed back up to sell a Caddy. Now, we were being entertained by festival food (gyros), watching the bidding and the people, and making friends with strange men, but we had no idea what we were doing, and how the car would do on the auction block. Most of the cars on that particular block were either going really cheap, or not selling because they didn't make the reserve.
Well, shortly before the car was to be coming, a man walked past us and made some comment about the truck that he had just been bidding on. Due to my friendly nature, and our success at making friends thus far, I mentioned that he shouldn't leave, and that we had a car coming up for sale soon. It worked! He sat down to talk to us about it. He went outside to go take a look at it. When he came back in, he told us that it wasn't out there, and that we would have to bring it up ourselves. What?! No one told us about all the details, like driving your own car up when it's your turn! And remember...that thing is BIG, and there are lots of people and golf cards all over. Not to mention other fancy cars! Somehow we talked Chris, our new best friend, into pulling the car up for us. He also gave Gab some tips about dealing, being up there during the sale, dropping the reserve, etc. So, the fun part of the story begins. He had told her that the way things were going on this ring, he thought she'd be lucky to get bids of two, maybe three thousand. Well, as soon as they moved that car up near the building it was like a man magnet had been polarized. There were guys all over that thing...asking questions, looking under the hood, sticking their heads in the windows. It was crazy! When it was our turn, Chris, aka Gabrielle's "boyfriend", drove it up onto the ring, and the people flocked.
It was fun to hear the bidding, and the auctioneer reading the info about Gab's grandfather. The bidding was still going strong as the car was being driven off the block! It ended up selling for $10,400!! WOW! We were shocked, thrilled, and very thankful for our new friend, Chris from Cleveland! We met up with him afterward and the only thanks he would accept was a "cold one", so we celebrated with him before parting ways. And actually we saw him again shortly after taking care of paperwork, and he was still amazed at the way the auction went. Luckily for us, none of them must have heard about the Cadillac on fire on 69 the day before! : )
Finally around 11pm I pulled Gab away from the auction, before she could spend her new found riches on another car! What a day!
This is Chris...Gabrielle's "boyfriend" and our savior!! Oh, and the guy on the floor in the gray ended up being the winning bidder.
Well, this weekend (being a holiday weekend) has been fairly eventful thus far. Thursday night began with dinner at the parents' house because JC and Walt arrived for another year at the ACD Festival. Friday after school and tutoring I decided to stay and work for a while to get some things done. While I was working, Gabrielle called to tell me her bad luck story--as it was happening. She was on her way up to Kruse to take her grandfather's Cadillac to be sold. On the way it began to smoke badly and caused her to pull over. Apparently this was bad enough to require the assistance of two firetrucks, and for 69 to be blocked to one lane for about a mile. Luckily her mom was following behind and able to take her back as the car was towed. Later that night she called to ask me if I'd like to help her get the car up there the next day. My first question was, "Do you want me to drive the car, or just follow you up there?" (I'm not much for driving cars prone to fire) Well, long story short (or shorter), I agreed to help her out. BTW, this meant getting up at 5:45 on one of my Saturdays off, and on a holiday weekend! Hey, anything for a friend, right?!
Well, we met and drove the BIG car (I mean BIG!--see pictures) up to Auburn. After parking craziness, paperwork, and moving the car to the desired location we were off for breakfast--funnel cakes and lemon shake-ups! I love festivals!!
The fun of being at a festival, especially one pertaining to cars, is lost when you're trying to keep up with, and entertain a 22-month old. We very quickly decided that if the car wasn't being auctioned off until 6pm or later, we should go back to the Fort until later (coming back sans kid!). So, after a trip back home, a short nap, freshening up, we headed back up to sell a Caddy. Now, we were being entertained by festival food (gyros), watching the bidding and the people, and making friends with strange men, but we had no idea what we were doing, and how the car would do on the auction block. Most of the cars on that particular block were either going really cheap, or not selling because they didn't make the reserve.
Well, shortly before the car was to be coming, a man walked past us and made some comment about the truck that he had just been bidding on. Due to my friendly nature, and our success at making friends thus far, I mentioned that he shouldn't leave, and that we had a car coming up for sale soon. It worked! He sat down to talk to us about it. He went outside to go take a look at it. When he came back in, he told us that it wasn't out there, and that we would have to bring it up ourselves. What?! No one told us about all the details, like driving your own car up when it's your turn! And remember...that thing is BIG, and there are lots of people and golf cards all over. Not to mention other fancy cars! Somehow we talked Chris, our new best friend, into pulling the car up for us. He also gave Gab some tips about dealing, being up there during the sale, dropping the reserve, etc. So, the fun part of the story begins. He had told her that the way things were going on this ring, he thought she'd be lucky to get bids of two, maybe three thousand. Well, as soon as they moved that car up near the building it was like a man magnet had been polarized. There were guys all over that thing...asking questions, looking under the hood, sticking their heads in the windows. It was crazy! When it was our turn, Chris, aka Gabrielle's "boyfriend", drove it up onto the ring, and the people flocked.
Finally around 11pm I pulled Gab away from the auction, before she could spend her new found riches on another car! What a day!
This is Chris...Gabrielle's "boyfriend" and our savior!! Oh, and the guy on the floor in the gray ended up being the winning bidder.
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