First let me say, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It's officially 2008, and thank goodness I didn't set any resolutions, because I'm sure I would've already broken them. No major life changes to feel depressed about when I flub up, no lofty dreams to feel bad about not attaining. I think my "goal" is just to be a better person, in any ways that I can. Basically I want to spend more time reading, learning, being a better friend, being a better Christ follower, and just being a better me!
So, my "Rockin' Eve" consisted of Chinese and crafting. Rachael and I had some Chinese take out and then jumped right into the making of many projects. We began around 7ish last night after dinner, and finally pooped out around 8:30 this morning. But boy, did we make some rockin' projects! Here they are, in the order I made them. I started to loose the gusto and fizzle out by the last card, until we decided to make the minis.

Card #1:
Rachael and I totally CASEd (copied and selectively edited) this card from the new
Stampin' Up catalog. I took the exact same color scheme and ideas, and she changed it up a little. We were both totally pleased with our end result. It's almost hard to part with them after all the hard work, but digital photos are my new way of keeping the memories alive!

Card #2:
I wanted to make a really awesome thank you card for a good friend who will deserve one soon. She keeps telling me how much stuff she got me for Christmas and how she kept seeing things that she thought I'd like and so she got them. She's a great friend and a super gift giver, so she deserves more than just this card. I hope she likes it!! (also, you can't see it but the inside has the word gratitude and the definition. It's cute!)

Card #3:
I CASEd this idea from the catalog, too. It had the word "welcome baby" instead, but same colors and layout. I like the way it turned out. You can't really see it (and the pic is blurry on top of that), but there are three blue circles on the top for some dimension. Another thank you, but I'm big on thank you notes!

Card numero 4:
This is another CASE from the book. Same color scheme, similar stamps and own style. I like how it ended up looking. I love the little saying on it. It says, "just 'cause I like you". That will be for any kind of occasion.

Card #V:
This layout is from one of the catalogs, but I chose totally different papers and made it totally my own. It is ok, but this card was probably around 5am, and you can kind of tell I am getting less creative at this point. This one says, "you make me smile".

Card #6: (aka the "I've gotta have at least one more card to show for 12 hours of crafting, card!")
This was one of my last efforts and you can tell. It's not horrible, but also nothing I'd enter in a contest or anything. It was ok, but I added the brown ribbon and it became much more acceptable.
And last but not least...(drumroll, please!) The early morning new year craft of the day. The assembly line produced, fits in the palm of your hand, lovingly placed in a great handmade paper card sets:

These are like an idea in the book. They are 3"x3" cards using the same papers, but mixing and matching them. Then after we finished making the cards we were wishing we had something to put them in, either to store them, or to give as a cute gift. So, I began cutting, scoring, bending, & folding...and voila! I created these cute little bags to hold the cards and their envelopes. How cute is that?! Seriously, I can't get enough of these little baby cards. It will be very difficult to give these away--even with digital memories!!
So, that was my entrance into 2008--what a crafty start! And now it's time for me to retire because my 2 1/2 hours of sleep just aren't cutting it right now. Again...Happy New Year! I hope it will be the best one ever for you!