It's been a long time since I've been on here. Time flies when you have things to do, I guess. I have started doing
BeautiControl spas and have several scheduled this month (due to a competitive nature and a contest last weekend). I have tried to keep that stuff up to date and stay on top of the paperwork and such. I'm also trying to stay on top of my grading this quarter instead of collecting piles and piles of stuff that will stress me out when it comes time for report cards. I guess that, and some reading here and there, is keeping me busy lately.
I actually thought of posting because I had some pictures on my camera that haven't been on here. Random, miscellaneous pictures...but here goes!
Last Friday, Feb. 1 when school was closed because of the weather (which didn't end up being as bad as they thought), I met up with Gabrielle and Alaya for breakfast at IHOP and some sledding later. I took some pictures at breakfast.

Alaya was trying to play the "pick a hand" game with her crayons. She would put them in one hand, ask me to pick, and then open them. I thought it was cute, though, because as you can see in the picture, her hands are so small that the crayons were sticking out. Oh well...nice try.

We had taken some pictures at the Chinese buffet a few weeks back, and they were all on Gabrielle's camera...which she knows nothing about (so I'll never get them). So, we tried to replicate one of them. This turned out kind of cute. :)

And this...what more can I say?! Lucy has discovered that the toilet contains of the reasons I'm so picky about always keeping toilet lids down. Well, now when we are upstairs and she is thirsty, she has figured out that if she goes in the bathroom and paces around in front of the toilet, I'll lift the lid and open her "
big drinking bowl". The only reason I let her do it now is that my cleaning lady keeps the toilets much cleaner than I ever did!