30 October 2007

Field Trip Funnies

So we took our students (both 4th grades) to The History Center and the Courthouse last Friday. I was thinking about the trip this weekend, and remembered this funny story from the orientation part. At the beginning we meet in a large room and talk about the history of Fort Wayne and look at some memorabilia (war clothing, old records, etc.). One of the other things we look at, and discuss are different pelts that might have been used around here. She shows us a raccoon pelt, which is usually pretty easily identified. Then she shows a beaver skin, a deer skin and one other skin. This one is smaller and is long and narrow. When she asked what kind of animal they thought that it was, one of the students (not mine) actually shouted out "hamster". I thought I might wet myself!
**Oh yeah! I almost forgot...the real answer is-- muskrat.**

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