Went to Rachael's to do crafting tonight. I had hoped to finish my clipboard before school began and she left for Africa. I had "crafter's block" for quite a long time, but eventually came up with some things to do. I like the finished product. I still want to find a green and a rust ribbon to add to the top for some more color, but otherwise its finished! I'm excited to actually use it at school. Here are pics of the front and back.

Another thing that I spent lots of time on today was reading a book that

Rachael let me borrow. I saw it on her shelf at school and asked to borrow it (because it had "dog" in the title). I am really enjoying it and will probably finish it tonight. It's called
the curious incident of the dog in the night-time. It's an interesting book (although after reading the first page and finding out that the dog is dead--killed by a garden fork, I was unsure if I wanted to continue). Check it out!
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